They Can't Wait to Do Their Chores! Really!

About three times a year I re-evaluate the kids' chores, making sure they're age appropriate, see where we're lacking, and such. The kids have very regular routines (morning and night) which makes it easier on all of us when they know what's expected of them. When I evaluate, I like to do something to change it up a little and encourage the kids in their chores. I recently came across this website. It is perfect for our family! My kids love to log on, check off what they have done, earn points, redeem points, and get personal notes from my husband and I. I no longer have to remind them to look at their list of chores to see what they haven't done, because they are anxious to look at their list to see if there is anything else they can do to earn points! Now, I have always had mixed emotions about 'rewarding' children for simply being obedient. After all, they should do the right thing not because they get something for it, but because it's the right thing to do. At the same time, I want them to know that there are rewards in life when you work hard. And, I don't want them to take for granted things like screen time (t.v., computer, games, etc.) or other treats. They are privileges not a given. I always teach them that in order to "enjoy the fruits of their labor" they have to first labor! Not just enjoy the fruit of someone else's labor. ;) So while we don't pay them with money for doing their daily responsibilities, they do earn privileges. Let me know what you think of the site or what you do to motivate your children in taking care of their responsibilities.


Andrea Downs said...

Wow! I'm going to check this out. I just finished redoing their evening and morning routines. Don't forget that God is very big on rewards. Even though we should do things just because we love Him and in thankfulness for what He has done for us, He uses rewards to motivate us.

Tish said...

How young is your youngest that is using this program? M will turn 3 this month, and I would like to get him started was wondeirng if this (logging on and such) would end up making more work for me at his age.

Melanie said...

Thanks for you feedback Andrea. I guess I think of God not rewarding us because of what we do, but giving to us because of grace. But that reminds me of the verse in Hebrews that says, "God is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him". Hmmm, I need to think about that some more.

Tish, the youngest one is 4. He loves it! My kids would have probably had a harder time with this at the age of 3. They did really well with a chart that they could go to and see what needed to be done. It seems like the whole point system might be too much at that age. However, I hear M is not your typical toddler and he seems to be quite bright! You may want to try it out.

Carol Neelands said...

This sounds like a great idea. I'll pass this post on to my daughter.
Incidentally, "great is your reward in heaven" is part of the Beatitudes.

Carol Flett

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