Valentine's Day Kids Party

For some reason I have always thought Valentine's Day is cheesy. However, if you know me, I never pass up a reason to celebrate and eat chocolate! Valentine's at our house is more about the kids and family than the traditional romantic kind of Valentine's. We usually have a special dinner with the kids, complete with candles and a fancy dessert. The kids really look forward to it and always help with the preparations. This year we are starting a new tradition. For the month of February we will have a couple of special 'love pillows' around the house. The idea is to have the kids do random acts of kindness or acts of love for each other but do it anonymously. When they have done something for someone, they leave the pillow on that person's bed. When someone finds a love pillow on their bed they know someone has does something for them and they have 24 hours to do something for someone else. I think it will be lots of fun!
We've also had Valentine parties. The kids love to exchange cards they've made for their friends and eat lots of treats.

Kids love to see their names on things! So to personalize the party and make each child feel like the party was for them, I made a heart for each child that hung from the ceiling that said, "God Loves ..." and then their name. On the other side it had a scripture about love. We also had individual heart shaped cakes with their names on their own cake.

Making a heart shaped cake is always fun too. If you don't have a heart shaped pan and don't want to buy one, you can make one very easy with one round shaped pan and a square pan. (Not having to buy something you probably only use once a year, is always a good thing.) If you have no idea what I'm talking about you can see it here.

Or of course, if you don't want to mess with making your own you can always order one from someone who really knows what they're doing like my friend Kim, at P.S. I Love You ! You will definitely not be disappointed and everyone will be very impressed!

When I was younger, my mom never let me buy the character Valentine cards. I wanted Punky Brewster or Rainbow Brite, but my mom always made cards with me out of paper doilies. Now that I am a mom, I so appreciate that she did that. I now love to make our cards at home and fortunately for me, my kids love to make their cards!

What are your family Valentine traditions?


April said...

I'm from Homeschool Lounge. I love your blog and your post. I needed some ideas for Valentine's Day. I really loved the pillow idea. Thank you so much.

Melanie said...

Hi April, I'm glad you found my blog and enjoyed the post. I checked out your blog as well. I think you may have accidentally posted my slideshow on your blog?

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